7 Tips for Bringing Your Baby to a Baseball Game

Tip #1: Protect Sensitive Baby Skin & Ears

To protect your baby's soft and sensitive skin, be sure to pack and apply sunscreen. Choose a baby sunscreen with SPF of at least 15, and look for "broad spectrum" on the label; these sunscreens protect against both UVA and UVB rays.

Baby's ears are particularly sensitive for those first few months, so consider bringing ear muffs to protect against cheers, whistles, and noise from fireworks.

Dress your baby in light, loose-fitting clothing. Ditch the socks when it's hot and carry a sun hat! Finding a nice shady spot, or making the occasional trip from your seats to a covered area will go a long way toward helping keep your little one comfortable.

Tip #2: Wear Your Baby!

Is your little one a squirmer? I've found that it's far easier to wear your baby to easily maneuver through crowds.

If you go with a wearable carrier instead of a stroller, this is one area where you should splurge... Both you and your baby are going to be wearing it, so you'll want something high quality! Find a carrier that allows enough airflow to keep your baby nice and cool.

Umbrella strollers are a great choice for traveling and getting around crowded places, but they can be tough to find a spot for at a baseball game! By wearing your baby you'll have one less bulky item to worry about, and will keep a free hand for snacks or a well earned beverage.

Tip #3: T​ake Advantage of F​amily ​F​riendly Areas & Restrooms​

We love the Padres' "Park in the Park" lawn for picnics and getting energy out of little feet. If your stadium doesn't have a kid friendly feature, consider getting aisle seats so you can walk around easily.

Most ballparks have family restrooms, which can be a real lifesaver to avoid long lines. If you need to use a diaper changing table, make sure to pack a disposable changing pad and anti-bacterial wipes to clean those little hands.

Tip # 4: Pack Your Own Food

Bring a bag with all your little one's favorites: bottles, soft foods and snacks. Check your stadium's website for specifics on quantities of liquids and snacks allowed, as these rules can very from park to park.

Some of our favorite ballpark foods to share are Oreos, popcorn, peanut butter, and juice pouches for those hot summer days.

An insulated bag is the perfect way to keep your food and milk fresh, and don't forget to include plenty of napkins for an easy clean-up!

Tip #5: Bring Your Own Entertainment

Let's face it... Babies might not always find baseball games as entertaining as adults. I highly recommend bringing a few of your little one's favorite (and most portable) toys to keep them occupied while you enjoy the game.

By keeping your baby happy and busy, you'll improve everyone's baseball experience. Not only will your baby be happier, but you'll be able to enjoy the game stress-free, and the rest of the fans will be marveling at your perfect child.

Tip #6: Commemorate The Moment

Many ballparks have a "First Game" certificate, the perfect way to celebrate your baby's first ballpark experience. Visit your stadium's guest services station and take advantage of any opportunities they have for youngsters at a game.

Of course, you'll also want to take and post lots of pictures... All of us at BirdRock Baby would love to see them! Be sure to tag them with #birdrockbaby so we can see how much fun you had at the game.

Tip #7: Dress Your Baby in Our Home Run Moccasins!

Our Home Run baby moccasins are the PERFECT way to celebrate a day at the ballpark.

Babies love the breathable genuine leather our moccs are made of, and these beauties will turn any picture into Instagram gold! Make sure to purchase a pair before the game by clicking here.

We hope you've enjoyed our tips for taking your little one to the ballpark! Enjoy the game :)


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