How to Teach Baby to Crawl: Simple Steps for Success

Crawling is an exciting milestone for both parents and babies. As a parent, I know how eager we can be to see our little ones start to explore the world on their own. Teaching a baby to crawl not only helps them develop vital motor skills but also provides them with a newfound sense of independence and curiosity.

In my experience, providing ample tummy time and creating a safe environment for babies to practice crawling can make the learning process smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved. Through trial and error, I've discovered some helpful tips and practices that can encourage our little ones to start crawling and make the most of this developmental stage.

Understanding Baby's Development and Milestones

Importance of Tummy Time

I believe that tummy time is essential for a baby's development. Tummy time helps strengthen their neck, shoulders, arms, and back muscles, allowing them to develop critical motor skills required for crawling and other milestones. I recommend starting tummy time early in a baby's life, gradually increasing it as they become more comfortable.

Learning to Roll Over

Rolling over is another significant milestone in a baby's development. Rolling over helps build their strength and coordination, making it a crucial ability to master before learning how to crawl. To encourage your baby to roll over, try placing toys around them or help them practice by gently guiding their movements.

Sitting Up and Gaining Stability

Sitting up is another essential skill for babies to develop as it leads to increased mobility and independence. It also helps them gain stability, which is important for crawling. To help your baby sit up on their own, provide support and practice the skill daily, allowing them to become more comfortable and confident.

When Do Babies Start to Crawl

While the timing can vary, most babies start crawling between six to ten months of age. It's essential to remember that every baby is different, and milestones might not occur at the same time for all. However, if you're concerned about your baby's development, it's always best to consult with a pediatrician.

Understanding Different Crawling Styles

Not all babies crawl the same way. Some might use the classic hands-and-knees crawling style, while others use different techniques like scooting, sliding, or even rolling. What's essential is that they're gaining mobility and practicing essential motor skills. No matter which crawling style your baby develops, make sure to support and encourage them throughout their journey.

Supporting Your Baby's Crawling Journey

As a parent, helping your little one learn to crawl can be both an exciting and challenging journey. In this section, we'll discuss ways to support your baby's progress, including creating a safe environment, providing the right toys, and encouraging through play and interaction.

Creating a Safe Environment

It's crucial to create a safe and comfortable space for your baby to practice crawling. To ensure safety, I recommend babyproofing your home by covering sharp edges, securing loose cords, and placing baby gates on stairs. Additionally, you can create a designated crawling area by laying down a soft, non-slip surface like a playmat or carpet. This will not only protect your baby's knees and hands but also give them a stable surface to practice on.

Providing the Right Toys

Toys play a significant role in encouraging your baby to crawl. I suggest choosing toys that are visually appealing and can engage your baby's curiosity. Some great options include:

  • Textured balls: Soft, textured balls can roll away and entice babies to follow.
  • Musical toys: Toys that make sounds or play music can motivate a baby to crawl towards the source of the sound.
  • Colorful toys with lights: These toys can grab a baby's attention and encourage them to explore further.

Position these toys slightly out of your baby's reach, so they have to crawl towards them. You can also place their favorite toy in the mix to strengthen their motivation.

Encouraging Through Play and Interaction

Lastly, engaging in play and interaction can help your baby develop their crawling skills. Here are a few activities I found helpful:

  • Tummy time: Giving your baby adequate tummy time helps strengthen their muscles, preparing them for crawling.
  • Modeling crawling: By getting down on the floor and crawling yourself, you can show your baby how it’s done.
  • Assisted crawling: Gently hold your baby's hips or place a pillow under their belly for support, ensuring their weight is evenly distributed while they try to crawl.

Remember to be patient as every baby progresses at their own pace. With time, support, and encouragement, your little one will master the art of crawling.

Physical Development and Muscle Strength

Strengthening Neck Muscles

When I first started teaching my baby to crawl, I focused on helping them strengthen their neck muscles. I would place them on their tummy during tummy time and encourage them to lift their head to look around. This helped build up the necessary strength for crawling. It's essential to give babies plenty of opportunities to practice these skills with regular tummy time sessions.

Exploring Body Movements

With the neck muscles strong, it's time to help babies explore their body's movements. I encouraged my baby to reach for and move toward the toys and objects they were interested in. I would place interesting items a short distance away from them to see if they were able to move themselves toward those objects. I noticed that rocking back and forth on their hands and knees was a crucial step towards crawling. I would gently guide my baby through this movement and praise their efforts.

Taking the Leap: From Crawling to Walking

Once my baby began to crawl, I knew it was essential to support them in taking the leap from crawling to walking. I continued to provide opportunities for them to use their arms, legs, and back muscles to practice their movements. To help them build muscle strength in their legs, I created a safe space for them to pull up to stand by using furniture and other surfaces around the home.

At every stage of physical development, ensuring the baby's safety and providing positive reinforcement for their efforts is important in nurturing their journey toward mastery of these skills. By focusing on neck, arm, leg, and back muscle strength in conjunction with exploration of movement, I was able to support my baby's journey from crawling to walking in a friendly and encouraging environment.

Safety Measures for Crawling

Babyproofing Your Home

When my baby started crawling, I made sure to babyproof the house as much as possible to create a safe environment for them. I secured cabinets and drawers with child locks, covered electrical outlets with plug protectors, and installed safety gates to block off stairs and other dangerous areas. To prevent choking, I cleared the floor of any small items that could fit into their mouth.

Safe Use of Baby Seats and High Chairs

As a parent, I always ensure my baby's safety while using baby seats and high chairs. I position their baby seat on the floor and never on an elevated surface to prevent any falls. When using a high chair, I secure them with a safety harness or strap, and never leave them unattended. Additionally, I make sure their toys are securely fastened to avoid choking hazards while they're in a seated position.

Crawling Safety on Different Surfaces

My baby has crawled on a variety of surfaces, and I've learned that there are different safety precautions for each one:

  • Carpet: Carpets provide a soft and comfortable surface for my baby to crawl on. I make sure the carpet is clean and free of any small objects, and also check for any loose threads that may pose a choking hazard.

  • Hardwood Floors: Hardwood floors can be slippery and tough on my baby's knees. I place non-slip mats, like playmats or area rugs, on these surfaces to give them a safe and cushioned area to explore.

  • Outdoor surfaces: If my baby crawls outdoors, I closely supervise them and ensure the area is clean and free from hazards. When exploring grassy areas, I keep an eye out for insects or sharp objects hidden in the grass.

Remember, a safe environment allows our little ones to explore and develop their crawling skills without worry. Let's keep their curious minds safe and happy!

Common Concerns and When to Consult a Pediatrician

Understanding Unique Crawling Styles

I've noticed that not all babies crawl the same way. Some infants prefer the classic hands-and-knees crawl, while others utilize the "army crawl" using their arms and dragging their bellies on the floor. There are also other crawling styles, like crab crawl or rolling. It's essential to remember that every baby is unique and develops at their own pace, so it's vital not to compare them with others and accept their crawling style.

Addressing Delayed Crawling

I understand that it's natural for parents to worry if their baby hasn't started crawling when other babies their age have. However, it's essential to recognize that crawling is just a milestone, and some babies might skip it altogether and move straight to walking. In case a parent is really concerned, it's crucial to provide their baby with adequate tummy time, as this helps strengthen their neck, back, and arm muscles required for crawling. It's also important to note that babies born in different seasons may show variation in achieving milestones. For instance, infants born in winter months might develop cognitive and psychomotor skills earlier than infants born in the summer.

Consultation with the Pediatrician

When it comes to my baby's development, I understand the value of regular pediatrician visits. It's vital to keep an open communication channel with the pediatrician and maintain a detailed record of my child's milestones so that I can share them accurately during the check-ups. This helps the pediatrician in monitoring the child's growth and development.

If I ever have any concerns or questions regarding my baby's crawling development, it's essential to consult the pediatrician without hesitation. They can provide valuable advice, reassurance, or, if needed, recommend further assessments. It's always better to address any concerns early on rather than waiting for issues to escalate. Remember to maintain a friendly tone, as well as use first-person singular point of view and English language in the content.


Teaching a baby to crawl is an exciting milestone for parents and their little ones. From my experience, starting with tummy time early on helps babies develop the necessary muscle strength in their arms, legs, back, and neck. As they grow, encouraging them to reach for and move toward toys and objects they are interested in can motivate them to start crawling.

A friendly reminder is to always make sure your baby is in a safe environment when practicing. Keep an eye on them, remove potential hazards, and provide a comfortable space for them to explore. Remember, each baby develops at their own pace, so it's important to be patient and supportive throughout the process.

Ultimately, the key is to engage with your baby, provide them with plenty of opportunities to practice, and celebrate their progress along the way. With time, patience, and love, you and your baby will enjoy this fantastic milestone together.
